

Remote early fire detection and warning, with its monitor applications

Early Warning systems

Wildfire Detection

Wildfires are a serious threat to the environment, human lives, and infrastructure

Deploying LIDARs to detect wildfire


Whether your main objective is to protect the natural environment and public health, or human properties from wildfires, Raymetrics supplies an advanced seamless system for early detection and warning


A whole new dimension in wildfire detection

Raymetrics is setting new rules in the detection of wildfires by introducing a new solution integrating our new 3D LIDAR scanner with other sensors such as drones and cameras. Each system is an autonomous unit easily movable and functional. The system can be remotely operated, and network connected

Three-dimensional coverage system for remote fire detection

Wildfire Monitoring Range

Each installation can cover large areas of 5 km. Multiple LIDARs can be used in a network or combined with other techniques to provide protection on a larger scale



Raymetrics offers


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Each installation can cover large areas of many km Multiple LIDARs can be used in a network or combined with other techniques to provide protection on a larger scale

3D fire detector

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how can we help you with your project

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