3D Ceilometer

Accurate three-dimensional cloud measurements

Aviation | Meteorology

Remote Visibility

SVR, RVR, VOR (Vertical Optical Range)

Fog Detection

Incoming Fog Bank Detection
Fog cannot bypass as with in-situ sensors

3D Cloud Base

Remote Cloud Base – for forecasting
Total Cloud Cover – in 3D

Volcanic Ash

Definitive Volcanic Ash Identification
Altitudes of Ash Layers

Aerosol Monitoring

Partical Distinction
Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL)


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Innovative Research Features

WALL-E emits linearly- and elliptically polarized light and detects the linear and circular polarization of the backscattered light from the dust particles in the atmosphere. It also employs scanning capabilities so as to provide more information on the dust orientation and microphysical properties. The system is designed based on the high-quality standards of the European LIDAR network EARLINET, in the framework of ERC-COG program D-TECT (https://react.space.noa.gr/)  

WALL-E measurements

Advancing the remote sensing of desert dust

The irregular shape of mineral dust provides a strong signature on active and passive polarimetric remote sensing observations. Nowadays, advanced LIDAR systems operating in the framework of ACTRIS are capable of providing quality assured, calibrated multi-wavelength linear particle depolarization ratio measurements, while new developments will provide us more polarimetric measurements in the near future.


How do LIDARs Work?

The system emits an eye-safe laser beam into the atmosphere. Laser light is scattered by particles in the atmosphere and some is returned to a telescope.
Because the speed of light is known, the distance to atmospheric layers can be determined. From the properties of the light, certain atmospheric characteristics can also be determined.

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Raymetrics is to become the first atmospheric LIDAR manufacturer able to offer certifications for its products, as well as for their systematic uncertainties, from LiCAL/ACTRIS, according to document doi:10.5194/amt-9-4181-2016.
The Company is ISO 9001:2008 certified.