Air Pollution

Current weather situation and forecast

Smart Cities

Urban Environment Pollution Monitoring

Marine Applications

Meteorological, Sea surface, Ships’ Fuel and Emissions Monitoring Integrated Solutions

Industrial Applications

Industrial processing activities can result in pollution emissions

Industrial Emissions

Emissions monitoring is of importance to minimize impacts and operations management

Agricultural industry

Decision support system (DSS) for whole farm management to optimize returns on inputs while preserving resources

Climate Services

Provision of Climate information

Data to Support climate projections

Simulations of Earth’s climate in future decades

Seasonal forecasts

seasonal prediction systems

Weather Nowcasting

Current weather situation and forecast

Weather prediction Nowcasting

Providing accurate warnings and watches

PBL – Planetary Boundary Layer

The PBL is important for everything from climate to air quality studies

Temperature and Humidity Profiling

Cloud base for nearfuture forecasting and total cloud cover


Comprehensive solutions for civil aviation authorities, airports as well as meteorological agencies

Cloud Base

Cloud base for near-future forecasting and total cloud cover


Visibility measurements, RVR, VOR, MOR & SVR- up the glide slope


The atmospheric layer in which turbulent phenomena take place

Early Warning Systems

Multi-hazard early warning systems

Desert Dust

Deliver timely and quality sand & dust storm forecasts, observations


Remote Early Fire warning and monitor applications

Volcanic Ash

Detection, discrimination & distribution of volcanic ash

State of the Art remote sensors


Polarization LIDAR aiming to detect particle orientation


Reference LIDAR for the European ACTRIS Research Infrastructure (Aerosol, Cloud, and TraceGas Research Infrastructure)

Advanced Ground Based Sensors and Space technologies


ESA reference LIDAR that mimics the operation of the spaceborn LIDAR ALADIN

QOMA Laser

QOMA II (Q-Switched Optical Master for Optoelectronics Space Applications II)