3D Scanning LIDAR

3D Scanning Raman Depolarization

Aviation | Mining | Meteorology

Remote Visibility

SVR, RVR, VOR (Vertical Optical Range)

Fog Detection

Incoming Fog Bank Detection
Fog cannot bypass as with in-situ sensors

3D Cloud Base

Remote Cloud Base – for forecasting
Total Cloud Cover – in 3D

Volcanic Ash

Definitive Volcanic Ash Identification
Altitudes of Ash Layers

Aerosol Monitoring

Partical Distinction
Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL)


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3D Scanning Raman Depolarization LIDAR

Raymetrics’ 3D scanning LIDAR is now available as a fully outdoor operational model designed for aviation, meteorology and environmental applications.


Telescope & Laser

The system comes with a large telescope and powerful laser, making it probably the most powerful eye-safe scanning aerosol LIDAR on the market, providing unparallelled data quality and effective range.

Read more On LIDAR Brochure

Detecting up to three wavelengths

Including co-polar and cross-polar channels, the LR111-ESS-D200 is probably the only 3D scanning LIDAR powerful enough to detect nitrogen Raman at 387nm, allowing for more accurate data and better particle distinction.

Read more On LIDAR Brochure

Inbuild climate control

UPS (for safe shutdown and automatic re-start on power loss), rain sensor and optional rain hood, make the system suitable for nearly all environments.

Read more On LIDAR Brochure

The Aerosol LIDAR

Can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

Remote visibility measurement

      Slant Visual Range

      Vertical Optical Range

3D Cloud Base Height
Fog Detection
Dust Tracking
Read more On LIDAR Brochure

How do LIDARs Work?

The system emits an eye-safe laser beam into the atmosphere. Laser light is scattered by particles in the atmosphere and some is returned to a telescope.
Because the speed of light is known, the distance to atmospheric layers can be determined. From the properties of the light, certain atmospheric characteristics can also be determined.

View our video demo

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